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WhiteDwarf File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
Actor.h [code]Defines the Actor Class
ActorGroup.h [code]Defines the ActorGroup Class
ActorRef.h [code]Defines the ActorRef Class
BaseObjectEventHandler.h [code]Defines the BaseObjectEventHandler Class
Chapter.h [code]Defines the Chapter Class
Episode.h [code]Defines the Episode Class
EpisodeGroup.h [code]Defines the EpisodeGroup Class
Formation.h [code]Defines the Formation Class
FormationGroup.h [code]Defines the FormationGroup Class
FormationRef.h [code]Defines the FormationRef Class
Image.h [code]Defines the Image Class
ImageGroup.h [code]Defines the ImageGroup Class
IManagedObject.h [code]Defines the IManagedObject Class
IObjectEventHandler.h [code]Defines the IObjectEventHandler Class
IObjectManager.h [code]Defines the IObjectManager Class
ManagedObject.h [code]Defines the ManagedObject Class
ManagedObjectTypes.h [code]
ObjectFactory.h [code]Defines the ObjectFactory Class
ObjectManager.h [code]Defines the ObjectManager Class
ObjectManagerDocument.h [code]
Player.h [code]Defines the Player Class
PlayerGroup.h [code]Defines the PlayerGroup Class
Scenario.h [code]Defines the Scenario Class
Sound.h [code]Defines the Sound Class
SoundGroup.h [code]Defines the SoundGroup Class
State.h [code]Defines the State Class
SubscriberMap.h [code]Defines the State Class
WDError.h [code]
wdxml.h [code]XML Accessors interface declarations

Generated on Mon Apr 15 15:22:58 2002 for WhiteDwarf by doxygen1.2.15