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Managed Objects

A gateway and subscriber for an in-memory XML database. More...


file  Actor.h
 Defines the Actor Class.

file  ActorGroup.h
 Defines the ActorGroup Class.

file  ActorRef.h
 Defines the ActorRef Class.

file  BaseObjectEventHandler.h
 Defines the BaseObjectEventHandler Class.

file  Episode.h
 Defines the Episode Class.

file  EpisodeGroup.h
 Defines the EpisodeGroup Class.

file  Formation.h
 Defines the Formation Class.

file  FormationGroup.h
 Defines the FormationGroup Class.

file  FormationRef.h
 Defines the FormationRef Class.

file  Image.h
 Defines the Image Class.

file  ImageGroup.h
 Defines the ImageGroup Class.

file  IManagedObject.h
 Defines the IManagedObject Class.

file  IObjectEventHandler.h
 Defines the IObjectEventHandler Class.

file  IObjectManager.h
 Defines the IObjectManager Class.

file  ManagedObject.h
 Defines the ManagedObject Class.

file  ObjectFactory.h
 Defines the ObjectFactory Class.

file  ObjectManager.h
 Defines the ObjectManager Class.

file  Player.h
 Defines the Player Class.

file  PlayerGroup.h
 Defines the PlayerGroup Class.

file  Scenario.h
 Defines the Scenario Class.

file  Sound.h
 Defines the Sound Class.

file  SoundGroup.h
 Defines the SoundGroup Class.

file  State.h
 Defines the State Class.

file  SubscriberMap.h
 Defines the State Class.


namespace  std


class  Actor
 Actor Class Definition. More...

class  ActorGroup
 ActorGroup Class Definition. More...

class  ActorRef
 ActorRef Class Definition. More...

class  BaseObjectEventHandler
 BaseObjectEventHandler Class Definition. More...

class  Episode
 Episode Class Definition. More...

class  EpisodeGroup
 EpisodeGroup Class Definition. More...

class  Formation
 Formation Class Definition. More...

class  FormationGroup
 FormationGroup Class Definition. More...

class  FormationRef
 FormationRef Class Definition. More...

class  Image
 Image Class Definition. More...

class  ImageGroup
 ImageGroup Class Definition. More...

class  IManagedObject
 IManagedObject Class Definition. More...

class  IObjectEventHandler
 IObjectEventHandler Class Definition. More...

class  IObjectManager
 IObjectManager Class Definition. More...

class  ManagedObject
 ManagedObject Class Definition. More...

class  ObjectFactory
 ObjectFactory Class Definition. More...

class  ObjectManager
 ObjectManager Class Definition. More...

class  ObjectManagerDocument
 Contains a path an Object Manager. More...

class  Player
 Player Class Definition. More...

class  PlayerGroup
 PlayerGroup Class Definition. More...

class  Scenario
 Scenario Class Definition. More...

class  Sound
 Sound Class Definition. More...

class  SoundGroup
 SoundGroup Class Definition. More...

class  State
 State Class Definition. More...

class  SubscriberMap
 SubscriberMap Class Definition. More...


typedef list< IManagedObject * > EventSubscriberList
typedef map< void *, EventSubscriberList * > EventSubscriberMap
typedef pair< void *, EventSubscriberList * > EventSubscriberPair

Detailed Description

A gateway and subscriber for an in-memory XML database.

This module implements the interface needed to make application-specific active records, called Managed Objects, for an in-memory XML database. Several active records for the same XML element can be used. When an element is changed, all other Managed Objects that are physically (from the XML structure) or logically (specific the the application's domain model) linked the the element will have a chance to update themselves to keep, at all times, the logical integrity of the data.

Gaspard Petit

Typedef Documentation

typedef list<IManagedObject*> EventSubscriberList

typedef map<void*, EventSubscriberList*> EventSubscriberMap

typedef pair<void*, EventSubscriberList*> EventSubscriberPair

Generated on Mon Apr 15 15:23:22 2002 for WhiteDwarf by doxygen1.2.15